Html tags with some baisc details
Welcome to our web page
p - paragraph tag
head - heading of the web page h1 to h6
body - body of the page
a - anchor tag
br - line Break
sub - subscript it will used in formulas like h20 the 2 will be diaplay lower
sup - Superscript it will be used in formula like x2+y2 the 2 wiil be upper square value
b - Bold
i - Italic
strong - symantic markup eg: show the most important or highlight
emp - Emphasisi also italic but it will represent special
q - Quote declare thet key word or some important word
blockquote - to declare a line or paragraph
cite - citatiion to declare the whole one eg: Thirukkural it consists of 1330 kural.
def - Definition - to explain the meaning of the word
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href - Used to create a link
id - Identity tag
target - new tab using target='_blank' in href tag
title - your page title
hr - Horizontal line can be used to seperate the paragraph
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img - Image
src - screen tag src
figure - to show imgae
figurecaption - declare the figure naem below eg; fig 2.1
alt - Alternative Name
width - left to right size of the image
height - Height from upto down of the image
bg - Background color
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table - Table
tr - Table row
td - Table data
rowspan - Cover a whole rowspan
colspan - Cover a whole column
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br - Break tag
ol - Order list
ul - Unorder list
dl - Definition list
li - List item
dd - Definition data
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input - data enter or buttnon any thing
select - list of data like dop down
selected - used to mark or select default one
type - represent the data type eg: text, password, send, etc
radio - Radio button selcet one option eg: male or female , yes or no etc.
checkbox - Checkbox for select more than one option
checked- autoset default radio or checkbox options
name - content Name
placeholder - display value inside the box( when you type it will hide)
rows - NO of rows
cols - no of columns
size - declare box size
maxlenght - length of the inpur data
value - to set default value
method - append data is visible in the search box or not
two types of mode used in form
get - append the data in the search box as a query strings
post - behind the scenes not append to the search box
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Thanks for Every one
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